

2023-04-01 21:46:20 互联网 未知 地区



伦敦地铁(London Underground,1863年1月10日—)是英国伦敦的城市轨道交通系统。地铁车辆在伦敦市中心是地底运行的,而郊区则在地面运行,其中地面运行线路占55%。伦敦地铁在英语中常被昵称为The Tube(管子),名称来源於车辆在像管道一样的圆形隧道里行驶。 今天伦敦已建成总长408公里的地铁网,其中160公里在地底,共有12条路线、共275个运作中的车站,每日载客量平均高达267万人,2004至05年度总载客人次为9亿7600万。 2003年开始,伦敦地铁成为伦敦交通局的一部分,该公司同时营运市内巴士(包括伦敦著名的红色双层巴士)及伦敦地上铁系统。 London Underground (London Underground, 1863 Nian 1 Yue 10 -) is a London-based urban rail transport system. Metro vehicles in central London is the underground operation, while suburbs in the ground operation, which accounted for 55% of the ground to run lines. London Underground in English is often nicknamed The Tube (pipe), the name comes from the same vehicle as the pipeline circular tunnel driving. Today, total length of 408 kilometers have been built in Londons subway network, of which 160 kilometers underground, a total of 12 routes, a total of 275 active stations, the average daily patronage of 267 million people in 2004-05 the total annual passenger trips for the 900 million 76 million. 2003, London Underground as part of London, Department of Transportation, the company also operating in the city buses (including Londons famous red double-decker buses) and the London Overground Rail system.