
谁能用英语介绍拉斯维加斯,初一水平,简单的词语 将一段中文翻译成英文

2023-05-31 19:22:35 互联网 未知 地区

 谁能用英语介绍拉斯维加斯,初一水平,简单的词语 将一段中文翻译成英文


Las Vegas (Las Vegas) is the largest city in Nevada, and a city with a high international reputation.
拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州最大的城市,也是座享有极高国际声誉的城市。
Las Vegas was built in May 15, 1905, because of the desert edge and border of Nevada, so Las Vegas has high temperature all the year round.
Las Vegas is located in Nevada valley surrounded by desolate rocky desert and Gobi area, the rainfall is very small, hot in summer, cold in winter, windy and dusty, occasional heavy rain will lead to floods, large temperature difference between day and night. There are elevated railways in the city. The total area of 293.6Km -, the average population density of 1630 people - Km, which accounted for 70% of whites, 23% were Hispanic whites, blacks accounted for 10%, accounted for 5% of asians.

Las Vegas has four distinct seasons. Summer is a typical desert climate, midday temperature often reaches as high as 38 Eve joy around C, up to 45 DEG C. The temperature is relatively cool in the evening. Often there is a thunderstorm, and the temperature is above average. The whole winter is temperate climate, the average daytime temperature in 15 C about Eve joy. Despite occasional hot weather, spring and summer are still the most pleasant seasons.


A little boy was walking with a little kangaroo,the wallaroo was following quietly behind.the wallaroo suddenly jumped out and put the little kangaroo into her front infant pocket.at that moment,the little boy saw the scaring scene,and started to run,and the little kangaroo came out of his infant pocket,the funning thins is ,tha wallaroo put the little boy into her infant pocket instead of her little kangaroo.


Last Saturday, the weather is good. I rided my bicycle to the park at 11 oclock. About 11:10, when I watched the beautiful scenery of the park, my car was stolen by a boy. Then, in 11:20, I found my bike was stolen, so I call the police in a hurry.


There are less than 1000 giant panders in the whole world,furthermore,most of which are in Sichuan province.So, I hold the opinion that giant pander should be the focus when Chengdu advertise its tour~