
关于签证的问题英文翻译 求教护照上面签证的英语

2023-03-10 10:38:23 互联网 未知 旅游


关于签证的问题英文翻译 求教护照上面签证的英语

My offer allows me to study in the US during 2010 to 2014 and I can graduate in advance if I get enough credits. So I plan to finish my master degree in 2 and a half year because 4 year is too long to a girl. The point is I cant make my bf wait for so long.
My bf supports me a lot to get further education in the US since its a great chance for our future.
My bf wont go with me because he already has a promising job. Once he give up, he has to start with nothing. And his English is poor as well. its bad for he follow me since it effects our future.I will stay in the US for just over 2 years, which is not a long time. I will be free to come back to visit my parents and him during that time.
You know, its really hard for me to get this opportunity to study at this college since American education is the best in the world. This college is the largest private art college in the US, which was founded in 1929. The president is **. Ive heard this school when I was in high school and my instructors in college also mentioned it frequently.
I have took the IELTS test and the grade is * which is not good enough. I believe the language cant determin everything. While my profressor is a proof of my ability. Actually, my school doesnt require my languege grade. im an adaptable person so i will learn english quickly when im in the US.
Ive prepared a proof of ** dollar deposit because my school needs that. I have 2 copies of the proof, one for school and one for the embassy. If your think its not enough, I can deposit more, thats not a big deal.
累啊。。。多给点分吧。。 分数拿来哇!


关于签证的问题英文翻译 求教护照上面签证的英语



visa [vi:zə] 基本翻译 n. 签证 vt. 签发签证 网络释义 visa:签证|威士卡|维莎 transit visa:过境签证|境签证|转机签证 VISA International:威士国际组织|国际组织|维萨国际组织

ordinaire 基本翻译 adj. 平常的;普通的;惯常的 网络释义 ordinaire:低级〔法国甜酒等级 comburg ordinaire:粗亚麻布|粗亚麻布(法) action ordinaire:普通股


ambassade [,æmbəseid, æmbəseid] 基本翻译 n. [古]大使馆 网络释义 conseilleralambassade:使馆参赞

du 基本翻译 n. 二重唱;[篮球]双人组合 网络释义 du:disk usage|Dobson Unit|显示目录或文档的大小 Du nema:氯线啶|氯线啶(杀线虫剂) Du Mu:杜牧|樊川文集|杜牧之 百科 DU du1.linux命令:显示磁盘空间的使用情况。统计目录(或文件)所占磁盘的大小。格式:du [选项] [Names]说明:该命令逐级进入指定目录的每一个子目录并显示该目录占用文件系统数据块(10... 详细 » 搜索  DU  DU套 

Togo 基本翻译 n. 多哥(西非国家) 网络释义 Togo:多哥|从哥|多哥共和国 TG  Togo:多哥|多哥(域名) TOG Togo:多哥

a [ei] 基本翻译 art. 一;任一;每一 网络释义  a :朱 古 力 汤 圆|合 桃 汤 丸 many a:许多的|许多的,一个又一个的|可数 FORM A:普惠证|普惠制产地证|格式A

pekin [pi:kin] 基本翻译 n. 北京宽条子绸;平民;老百姓 网络释义 Pekin:北京|北京宽条子绸|北京鸭 Pekin Express:北京快车 Pekin gauze:北京纱罗


1. 兹证明某XX在公司任...一职,由于...原因出国,出国日期XX年XX月XX日至知XX年XX月XX日,公司同意并给予假期,共...天。在国外期间所道有费用由...(个人/单位)承担。我司保证某XX在旅行期间严格遵守贵国法律,旅行结束后保证按时回国并将继续为我公司服务。(PS. 如果出差就是在国外费用内由单位承担,如果是因私出国,就是费用用个人承担。)
2. 做一个表格,其中包括:职工姓名、护照号、生日、月薪
1. 落款必须包含以下几点:
  A. 公司名称
  B. 人事部主管/开在职证明人容
  C. 联系电话
  D. 日期,盖公章




Today I submitted your information . The fastest time of gettiing the visa invitation is next Wednesday .It needs your ¥600. We Beijing helped you to advance the money. So when you come to Beijing,its trouble to you for offering 600 yuan to us ChiTian.Thank you.



I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday.It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen.We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor.On the first day,I just stayed in the hotel and rested.On the second day,my brother and I went to Nanjing Road.It’s the busiest street in Shanghai.When we got there,there were lots of people.We walked from one shop to another.I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer.The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour.My brother also bought some clothes.On the third day,my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre.It was full of people.I played many kinds of games there.I had a good time.The other days,I went to some other interesting places,such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower,the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre.I didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening.I had a full and happy holiday. 我和妈妈去了趟上海在七天的假期.我们花了两个多小时开车去上海,从我的家在海门.我们住在一个大酒店八楼.第一天,我只留在酒店休息.第二天,我和我哥哥去了南京路.这是上海最繁忙的街道.当我们到那里时,有很多人.我们走到从一个店到另一个地方.我买了两个t恤和两条裤子为即将到来的夏天.我买的t恤和裤子都是白色,因为白色是我最喜欢的颜色.我弟弟也买了一些衣服.第三天,我母亲带我到晋江娱乐中心.这是挤满了人.我玩各种各样的游戏.我有一个很好的时间.前几天,我去了其他一些有趣的地方,如东方明珠电视塔,黄浦江和上海国际会议中心.我没有忘记做我的家庭作业在晚上.我有一个完整的和愉快的假期.


5 Zhijinshi Street, Unit 1-402 Jinan, Shandong Province P.R. China