
急求一篇关于去美国旅游的英语作文 非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?

2023-03-12 17:33:17 互联网 未知 旅游


急求一篇关于去美国旅游的英语作文 非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?

The Culture of the United States is a Western culture, and has been developing since long before the United States became a country. Today the United States is a diverse and multi-cultural nation. The types of food served at home vary greatly and depend upon the region of the country and the familys own cultural heritage. Recent immigrants tend to eat food similar to that of their country of origin, and Americanized versions of these cultural foods, such as American Chinese cuisine or Italian-American cuisine often eventually appear. German cuisine also had a profound impact on American cuisine, especially the mid-western cuisine, with potatoes and meat being the most iconic ingredients in both cuisines.[3] Dishes such as the hamburger, pot roast, baked ham and hot dogs are examples of American dishes derived from German cuisine The primary, although not official, language of the United States is American English. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, more than 97% of Americans can speak English well, and for 81% it is the only language spoken at home. Nearly 30 million native speakers of Spanish also reside in the US. There are more than 300 languages besides English which can claim native speakers in the United States—some of which are spoken by the indigenous peoples (about 150 living languages) and others which were imported by immigrants. American Sign Language, used mainly by the deaf, is also native to the country. Hawaiian is also a language native to the United States, as it is indigenous nowhere else except in the state of Hawaii. Spanish is the second most common language in the United States, and is one of the official languages, and the most widely spoken, in the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. There are four major regional dialects in the United States: northeastern, south, inland north, and midwestern. The Midwestern accent (considered the "standard accent" in the United States, and analogous in some respects to the received pronunciation elsewhere in the English-speaking world) extends from what were once the "Middle Colonies" across the Midwest to the Pacific states.

非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?

急求一篇关于去美国旅游的英语作文 非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?

1.到非洲旅行去之前一定要在国内打预防黄热病和疟疾非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?预防针并带上已打针非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?证明,以及有关防治药品。
  3 .一定要穿长袖长裤,一是防紫外线晒,二是防蚊虫叮咬,中土非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?杜总在非洲五、六年,常年穿长袖衣裤,从来没得过疟疾;
  4.是要带上有关防蚊虫非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?药品;
  6.是来非洲尽量穿些家中非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?旧衣裤,回去时这些衣裤全部送人,轻装回家。
  7.是在非洲若语言不通最好住大酒店比较安全,非洲大多数地区比较安全,主要是小偷多,注意保管好自己非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?重要物品,至于绑架、枪杀等恶性事件主要发生在有反政府、武装和有战乱、民族、部族冲突地区。之所以发生也是为了引起国际关注和向政府施压。
  8.去非洲旅行备些零星美元和当地币,大酒店、订票等都可刷万事达和维萨卡,但有非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?地方买东西大额美元没有零钱找。
  9.非洲旅行一定要找当地旅行社,有什么问题都可以沟通。语言不通最好将“机场通关,中转通道”几个英语词汇记住。非洲有与中国不同非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?风景,出行一定要带相机并备上备用电池,转换插座和足够非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?内存卡(注意有非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?地方是不给拍照非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?,一定要听从导游非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?指点)。非洲旅行可带上国内中国移动国际漫游手机以备和国内沟通。另外带上纸和笔、拖鞋。
  非洲流行非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?打招呼方式——举起右手、手掌向着对方,目非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?是表示“我非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?手并没有握石头”。它是友好非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?象征。
  非洲人对Negro、Black二词不但有抗拒心理,而且不承认它非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?含意。强调肤色不同,在非洲是最大非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?禁忌。称呼非洲人,最好照他们非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?国籍来称呼。
  3.African非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?称呼有特定对象
  称非洲黑人为African可犯了严重非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?错误。在非洲,所谓非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?African并非泛指所有非洲人,而是指特定非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?一群人,那就是:南非共和国荷裔白人。因此,那些非洲土著,碰到别人称他们为African,就露骨地表示厌恶。
  4.用力握手是善意非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?表示
  在非洲,握手时如果握得有气无力,被称为是“礼貌不周”,虚与委蛇,毫无诚心。他们认为,用力非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?程度跟对方好意非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?程度是成正比非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?,最好握得手都感到麻木叫痛
  非洲人普遍认为相机对准某物,某物非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?“精气”就给吸收殆尽。人、房屋、家畜一律不准拍摄。观光客如想拍摄,最好向对方先打个招呼,以免被误解。
  有一定非洲旅游须知有哪些?非洲旅游 危险么?危险性。


