
用英语介绍香港旅游景点 中国旅游景点地图

2023-03-15 19:29:08 互联网 未知 旅游


用英语介绍香港旅游景点 中国旅游景点地图

1) Victoria Peak, night view is the MUST go place of HK 2) Victoria Habour, take a ferry trip or talk a walk at seaside (route: Central to Wanchai, West Kowloon or Tsim Sha Tsui) 3)主題公園 (Ocean Park or Disneyland, but I prefer Ocean Park, as there is larger, and more things to see, like Panda, and other animals) 4) eating seafood (Sai Kung, Lei Yue Mun, Aberdeen or outer Island, eg: Lamma Island or Cheung Chau) 5) Temple, such as: Tian Tan Big Buddha, Wong Tai Sin Temple, Che Kung Temple 6) Museums, in HK, there are many museum, only Tsim Sha Tsui has 3 museum, and other is spread over HK. 7) "old HK", for fisherman living, go to: Tai O, outer Island, Aberdeen, Sai Kung for aborigine living, such as Hakka, go to New Territories: Yuen Long 8) Hiking, HK countryside is so so beautiful, Sai Kung is the best!!! or you can find out many hiking routes in HK 9) Happy Valley racecourse or Shatin racecourse, horse racing, HK most famous sport 10) Shopping-Tsim Sha Tsui, Causeway Bay, Mong kok......many big shopping mall over HK


你可以买一本,《一本通:中国交通旅游图集》大致内容如下: 本图集有省级行政单位全图34幅,详细介绍了各省、自治区、直辖市、特别行政区各级道路的分布、国道编号、里程、主要旅游城市、省内著名景点、主要旅游节庆、特产等信息,并在每一幅省级行政单位全图中配有该省主要旅游景点分布图。 本图集有省级行政中心及重点旅游城市平面图58幅,着重介绍了城市布局、城市旅游景点、宾馆、单位等服务信息;本图集有主要城市周边旅游图18幅,特别为自驾车出游的朋友编制,打破省区限制,行车路线一目了然。 本图集在2005版的基础上对全部省市自治区、直辖市交通全图进行了更新,增加了高速公路出入口及独有的、基于交通部公路普查数据而成的里程桩信息,并对城市平面图进行了全面修正,突出表示了城市过境线及环路。此外我们还对景点门票、价格、电话等服务信息做了进一步修正,努力确保信息的准确性和实用性。 相信本图集能为广大旅游爱好出游前提供良好指南。