
北极光 英文介绍 北极光是怎么形成的

2023-04-02 07:41:01 互联网 未知 地区

北极光 英文介绍

北极光 英文介绍 北极光是怎么形成的

不是上面的翻译。 是介绍 北极光(Aurora Borealis)的英文短文: 极光: Auroras (North/South Polar Lights) are natural colored light displays in the sky, usually observed at night, particularly in the polar zone. They typically occur in the ionosphere. Some scientists[who?] call them "polar auroras". In northern latitudes, the effect is known as the aurora borealis, named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for north wind, Boreas. It often appears as a greenish glow or sometimes a faint red, as if the sun was rising from an unusual direction. The aurora borealis is also called the northern polar lights, as it is only visible in the North sky from the Northern Hemisphere. The aurora borealis most often occurs from September to October and from March to April. The Cree call this phenomenon the Dance of the Spirits. Its southern counterpart, the aurora australis/southern polar lights, has similar properties. Australis is the Latin word for "of the South". Benjamin Franklin first brought attention to the "mystery of the Northern Lights." He theorized the shifting lights to a concentration of electrical charges in the polar regions intensified by the snow and other moisture. )


北极光 英文介绍 北极光是怎么形成的

(3)地磁北极在加拿大(地磁北极距地理北极约1200km之远。两者以地心相交约11.5o。),故在加拿大南部和美国北部常见到极光,西伯利亚之低磁纬度较少见到 。平时越高磁纬度地区才能看见北极光,但逢太阳风暴之激烈程度于稍低磁纬度地区也能看到。 科学家已能正确预测十一年为周期之太阳风暴,大量的从太阳风暴中的带电粒子冲向地球,与地磁场之交互作用产生绚烂景致的北极光。公元二千年正逢十一年周期高峰,于稍低磁纬度地区也能看到。。
