
马来西亚英语介绍 马来西亚英文介绍的翻译

2023-04-02 13:07:44 互联网 未知 地区


马来西亚英语介绍 马来西亚英文介绍的翻译

Key words: brief history of malaysia, historical background of Malaysia, malaysia tourism...
1.Brief History of Malaysia: Malaysia, is a buddhist country, with a lot of temples. It was once colonized by Britain, and gained its independence in 1957.


马来西亚英语介绍 马来西亚英文介绍的翻译

比该国其他地方更多,吉隆坡,或“吉隆坡”,因为它是众所周知的,是马来西亚的新焦点。虽然城市的过去是现在仍然在令人回味的Dataran默迪卡英国殖民地建筑物和茨厂街夜市的午夜灯,过去的到处会见坚持提醒吉隆坡的现在和未来。繁华的街道,它的光辉,现代化办公大楼,它的国际航空项目的进展和无限的精神象征未来马来西亚毫不迟疑的飞跃。对某些人,这种精神似乎已在古代文化传统的损失经验,但是在许多方面吉隆坡标志着持续,而不是马来西亚的丰富的历史损失。像马六甲五百年前,吉隆坡的商业中心,是一个商人和旅游者的盛会举行的世界各地。 以同样的方式,全市汇集了马来西亚的过去和现在,它的许多成员文化,甚至其非凡的自然宝藏,让第一次参观了宝贵的机会看到作为一个整体,然后才可以探讨其部分马来西亚。在植物和湖花园一鸟园,是欣赏到了无与伦比的美丽和马来西亚的植物和动物品种首次看到。在充满活力的中环街市,音乐,工艺,吉兰丹和沙捞越文化习俗,可以探索和经验。和生效应集中于国家博物馆,马来西亚的文化历史令人眩目的多样性。由于大部分游客和全国众多的旅游景点交汇点的切入点,吉隆坡是一个大门户迷人的目的地。


马来西亚英语介绍 马来西亚英文介绍的翻译

Malaysia is a tropical country in Southeast Asia. It is divided into two parts by the South China Sea. Its mainland is located on the Malay Peninsula and faces the Straits of Malacca on its West coast and on the South China Sea on its East coast. The other part of this country, sometimes known as East Malaysia, is located on the northern part of the island of Borneo on the South China Sea. Kuala Lumpur on the Malay Peninsula is its capital, however the federal capital was recently moved to Putrajaya, a newly created city exclusively designed for administration. It is a federal state made from 13 states.
There are various ethnic groups in Malaysia, such as Chinese, Malay and Indian. Its official language is Malay but English is often used in education and economic scenes. There are over 130 other languages spoken in Malaysia, with 94 in Malaysian Borneo and 40 on the peninsula. Although Islam is their official religion, the citizens have the freedom to practise other religions.



4、1965年,新加坡从马来西亚分离,MAL成为一个双向的国家航空公司,并改名为马来西亚 - 新加坡航空(MSA)。


Zhaozhou Bridge
The Zhaozhou Bridge (traditional Chinese: 赵州桥 simplified Chinese: 赵州桥 pinyin: Zhàozhōu Qiáo) is the worlds oldest open-spandrel stone segmental arch bridge.[1] Credited to a craftsman named Li Chun, the bridge was constructed in the years 595-605 during the Sui Dynasty. Located in the southern part of Hebei Province, it is the oldest standing bridge in China, although the Chinese had built bridges over waterways since the ancient Zhou Dynasty.
Name and location
The Zhaozhou Bridge is also known as the Safe Crossing Bridge (traditional Chinese: 安济桥 simplified Chinese: 安济桥 pinyin: An Ji Qiáo, englished as the Anji Bridge) and the Great Stone Bridge (Chinese: 大石桥 pinyin: Dà Shí Qiáo). It crosses the Xiao River (traditional Chinese: simplified Chinese: 洨河 pinyin: Xiào Hé, Jiao He) in Zhao County, approximately 40 km southeast of the provincial capital Shijiazhuang. It is named for the nearby Zhao County (赵县), which was formerly known as Zhaozhou (赵州).
The Zhaozhou Bridge is about 50 m long with a central span of about 37 m. It stands 7.3 m tall and has a width of 9 m. The arch covers a circular segment less than a semicircle and has a rise-to-span ratio of approximately 1:5 (7.3 to 37 m). This is considerably smaller than the rise-to-span ratio of 1:2 of a semicircular arch bridge and subjects the abutments of the bridge to large forces.
The central arch is made of 28 thin, curved limestone slabs which are joined with iron dovetails. This allows the arch to adjust to shifts in its supports, and prevents the bridge from collapsing even when a segment of the arch breaks. The bridge has two small side arches on either side of the main arch. These side arches serve two important functions: First, they reduce the total weight of the bridge by about 15.3% or approximately 700 tons, which is vital because of the low rise-to-span ratio and the large forces on the abutments it creates. Second, when the bridge is submerged during a flood, they allow water to pass through, thereby reducing the forces on the structure of the bridge.
Li Chuns innovative spandrel-arch construction, while economising in materials, was also of considerable aesthetic merit. An inscription left on the bridge by Tang officials seventy years after its construction reads:
“ This stone bridge over the Jiao River is the result of the work of the Sui engineer Li Chun. Its construction is indeed unusual, and no-one knows on what principle he made it. But let us observe his marvellous use of stone-work. Its convexity is so smooth, and the wedge-shaped stones fit together so perfectly... How lofty is the flying-arch! How large is the opening, yet without piers!.. Precise indeed are the cross-bondings and joints between the stones, masonry blocks delicately interlocking like mill wheels, or like the walls of wells a hundred forms (organised into) one. And besides the mortar in the crevices there are slender-waisted iron cramps to bind the stones together. The four small arches inserted, on either side two, break the anger of the roaring floods, and protect the bridge mightily. Such a master-work could never have been achieved if this man had not applied his genius to the building of a work which would last for centuries to come.[2] ”
Later history and reputation
In the next 1400 years, the bridge survived at least eight wars, ten major floods and numerous earthquakes, the nearest of which being the 7.2 degree Xingtai Earthquake in 1966. Yet, the support structure remains intact and the bridge is still in use. Only the ornamental railings have been replaced every few hundred years.
The intriguing design of the bridge has given rise to many legends. According to one legend, the bridge was built by a master architect named Lu Ban in a single night. In another story, the bridge was put to the test by two immortals who crossed it at the same time and Lu Ban saved it by wading into the water and supporting the structure.
Although Ming Dynasty authors compared the bridge to "a new moon rising above the clouds" and "a long rainbow hanging on a mountain waterfall"[2], it later fell into obscurity. When Professor Liang Sicheng (梁思成) of Tsing Hua University rediscovered the bridge on a field exploration of ancient architecture in Hebei province, made detailed measurements, and published a report and drawing ("An Chi Chiao the Great Stone Bridge Chao Hsien, Hobei, Sui Dynasty AD 569-617, Li Chun Master Builder"), it became world famous.
Zhaozhou Bridge was dedicated as an International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1991. The Chinese authorities nominated it for incription on the World Heritage List as having "a very important place in the world bridge building history".[2]
You can tell your friend to google it online--Zhaozhou Bridge.


       Kaifeng,a prefecture-level city in eastern Henan province, located along the southern bank of the Yellow River ,is one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. During the Song Dynasty, it was called Dongjing or Bianjing ,then, Kaifeng was the capital of China ,with a population of over 400,000, living both inside and outside the city wall. Typhus was an acute problem of the city. And Kaifeng reached its peak of importance in the 11th century, when it was a commercial and industrial center at the intersection of four major canals. During this time, the city was surrounded by three rings of city walls and probably had a population of 600,000 to 700,000. It is believed that Kaifeng was the largest city in the world from 1013 to 1127.

      As the capital cities of Kingdom Wei(Warring States Period),Liang, Jin, Han, Zhou(the five dynasties), Song dynasty and the end of Jin dynasty, Kaifeng was founded in 4500 years ago, named Qifeng in Xia dynasty. Therefore, there are a lot of places of historic interest, such as Longting, Tower Bo, the tower of Kaibao temple(Kaifeng iron tower), GreatXiangguo Temple and the place of interest around the lord bao lake.       Kaifeng offers a wide range of food specialities such as steaming pie and Chinese dumpling. In the evening, Kaifengs streets turn into restaurants while hundreds open their stands and begin selling their food in the famous night market. Often people from the nearby Zhengzhou come to Kaifeng to spend an evening with their family as the atmosphere is very appealing. Less adventurous Western tourists may prefer to eat insidethe restaurants and just have their drinks outside because they might not want to try chicken feet, pork feet or bucks. Particularly famous is Kaifengs special bread (wйxiãngshãobing), which, like pita, can be opened and filled.       The lively unusual snack night market is this old city one of allnight long big characteristics. It has many varieties, if completely eats, perhaps you could not be able to return to the hotel.
