去瑞士旅行的禁忌和须知有哪些? 英格兰到瑞士有多远想去旅游,安排一下行程
自由行的话有廉价航空到瑞士的 伦敦到苏黎世飞行2小时40分
瑞士如果想看自然风景的话建议买一个瑞士通票 含瑞士的观光列车 这些火车一路的风景都是不错的 卢塞恩周边的湖山风景也不错
switzerland is the place i most want to visit.
it is bordered by germany to the norht,france to the west italy to the south and austria to the east.
switzerland is one of most beautiful place in the earth which has become a dream destinatian for everyday including me. the climate there is largely responsible for making the country such a popular tourist destination.
the people there are also being well educated.there ara high standard of publicly-funed education famous universities include the university of zurich,university of berne.
the climate is continental, and the temperature is modified by winds off the atlantic ocean. winters are cold, while summers tend to be hot and sunny.
over 60% of the country is mountainous and a quarter of it is coverd in forests.
what i dream to do in switzerland is skiing. switzerland is a word ski resort.for example, the titlis is well-konwn for skiing.
small, mountainous and wealthy, with a population of just 7.5million, switzerland is renowned for its enviable quality of life.