
武汉著名旅游景点。 去武汉,去三天,一般住在哪里比较好,离各个景点都近。 推荐一下住的地方,好玩的景点(不要黄鹤楼

2023-03-10 15:25:32 互联网 未知 旅游


武汉著名旅游景点。 去武汉,去三天,一般住在哪里比较好,离各个景点都近。 推荐一下住的地方,好玩的景点(不要黄鹤楼

湖北省博物馆是再现楚文化精粹的地方。地处东湖之滨,收藏了20 多万件历史文物,举世闻名的曾侯乙编钟、越王勾践剑和吴王夫差矛等珍贵文物都是其中的精品。
东湖是中国最大的城中湖,比西湖大三倍,素有“春兰、秋桂、夏荷、冬梅”之美誉。三月兰花四月樱,湖面平如镜,鸟雀唱山林;七月流火,湖水之浸润,秋高气爽,桂蕾绽放, 隆冬严寒,瑞雪纷扬,磨山百亩梅花吐蕾绽放。
武汉大学的樱花道,位于前理学院和老图书馆的下方。道两旁的樱花树枝干壮实、排列整齐。每年的3 月至4 月初,繁花满枝。樱花花期仅为一周,每到落花时节,落英缤纷的樱花又为大地铺上了一层浅浅的“花毯”。每年开花时节,赏花的游人络绎不绝。

去武汉,去三天,一般住在哪里比较好,离各个景点都近。 推荐一下住的地方,好玩的景点(不要黄鹤楼

武汉著名旅游景点。 去武汉,去三天,一般住在哪里比较好,离各个景点都近。 推荐一下住的地方,好玩的景点(不要黄鹤楼



武汉长江一桥附近有黄鹤楼,50元的门票;还有归元寺,10元门票;东湖,那比较多景区,价钱不一。如果你是自己去的话,可以乘坐401路,它是一个旅游车,专门经过一些旅游景点,你想去哪玩都可以。 附近有黄冈,荆州,应该可以去回顾一下三国故事啊~还有木兰天池,两天游,还不错,价钱不贵。 或者去神龙架,自然森林,绝对没野人,不用怕!不过坐车有点小远,不过真的值得去。




Yellow Crane Tower
Bordering on the Yangtze River and crouching on the top of the Snake Hill, the Yellow Crane Tower is one of the three most famous towers on the south bank of the Yangtze River. (the other two are Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi)
First built in 223 AD, the tower has a history of over 1700 years. It is not only an important scenic spot, but also a symbol of "piping times of peace" in peoples minds. Scholars in the past dynasties wrote hundreds of poems and scores of writings in praise of the magnificent Yellow Crane Tower. The legend about the tower has become a bright pearl of the Chinese literature.
Rebuilt in 1985, the Yellow Crane Tower Park occupies a hilly area and consists of towers, pavilions and corridors, forming an architecture complex and a garden complex of man--made and natural scenery. It has become the symbol of Wuhan for its long history, its magnificent outlook and its imposing architectural style.
Guiyuan Temple
Guiyuan Temple, situated on Cuiwei Street, is one of the four biggest temples for Buddhist meditation in Hubei as well as an important Buddhist temple in China. It was first built in the early Qing dynasty (1644-1911) by two monks - Baiguang and Zhufeng. Guiyuan Temple has survived more than 300 hundred years of repeated cycles of prosperity and decline, and is the leading temple in Wuhan with prosperous public worship, flourishing Buddhist ceremony and many pilgrims. The temple was destroyed and rebuilt many times during the course of its history. Covering an area of 46,900 square meters with a floor space of 20,000 square meters, the temple mainly consists of Daxiongbaodian Hall, Arhat Hall, Sutra Collection Pavilion, etc. Guiyuan Temple is famous not only for spreading Buddhism throughout the whole country, but also for its perfect architecture, excellent sculpture and rich collection of Buddhist doctrine among the Buddhist temples. In 1956 Guiyuan Temple was listed as a preserved antiques unit of Hubei province and in 1983, it was appointed as one of the key Buddhist temple of Han nationality district in China by the State Council.
East Lake
The East Lake is the pride and joy of the people of Wuhan.
Millions of residents here get a lot of fun out of going for a walk along the lakeside in spring, swimming in summer, appreciating sweet laurel in autumn and admiring plum in winter.
The lake covers 33 square kilometers and stretches far into the distance. Ancient pagodas and temples scattered in 34 verdant hills around the lake make the scenic spot more historic and imposing. All the six areas of the East Lake have in common green hills, clear waters, an abundance of woods and typical style of Chu Culture. Perhaps youll enjoy yourself most in two of them----Tingtao Pavilion and Moshan Hill.
Willows dance gracefully and water lily sleeps deeply around Tingtao Pavilion, a three-storey palace building, in front of which the grand and lifelike statue of Qu Yuan is looking up at the sky and sighing sadly at the subjugation of Chu.
On the east side of the lake towers aloft Moshan Hill, where the city of Chu has been set up according to the legend that Zhaolie, King of the Chu State laid an altar and worshiped Heaven there. The imposing Chutian Tower symbolizes the power and prosperity of the ancient State of Chu.
Among all kinds of flowers, plum, lotus and cassia are of great reputation. The National Plum and Lotus Research Centre is set up here. The East Lake used to be a private farm several decades ago. In 1950 the farm was turned into a scenic spot. The government provided an enormous financial support to start. In 1982 the East Lake was rated by the State Council as one of the first group of national key resorts. It receives more than two millions tourists a year.
First Bridge over the Yangtze River
For hundreds of years, it had been a dream to cross the natural moat of the Yangtze River.
In 1913, Zhan Tianyou, one of Chinas well----known railway engineers, visited Wuhan and studied the possibility of the construction of the Yangtze River Bridge. The bridge was decided to be built between the Tortoise Hill in Hanyang and the Snake Hill in Wuchang. Unfortunately, his dream could not come true. Again, six years later, Dr. Sun Yat-sen put forward a proposal to build a Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan. Then Nanjing Government invited American experts and made a draft plan. Mao Yisheng, a bridge expert, organized for two designs and the construction was about to begin. But because of war and lack of money, no one was able to have the bridge built.
After the founding of New China, the central government decided to build the Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan in 1950. Five years later, news came that the construction would soon begin and it became the focus of world attention. However , more overseas people were half believing and half doubting. Within two years, the Chinese engineers, technicians and workers, with the help of the Soviet experts, completed a double----deck bridge for the dual use of automobiles and trains. The wish of "turning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare" was fulfilled.
On October 15, 1957, thousands of people in Wuhan were overexcited. Cheering sound could be heard on and under the bridge. Trains, automobiles and pedestrians safely crossed the bridge.
More than 30 years have passed. The Wuhan Bridge Bureau of the Railway Ministry has built other ten bridges over the Yangtze River in Nanjing, Chongqing, Zhijiang and Jiujiang. Another highway bridge 2.5 kilometers down to "the First Bridge" will be finished and put into use at the beginning of 1995.


复旦诗魂   复旦诗魂是一座铜雕,它的主体是两本叠起的书,长宽两米多,高70公分,是一件很有艺术性的雕塑作品。这是复旦大学百年校庆时历届复旦诗社校友捐赠的。它本身也是一件独立的艺术品,诗意的宁静中蕴藏着雄浑和力量,含蓄的缄默中体现出激情和气度,给复旦大学这座著名的高等学府带来了更多的人文气息和盎然诗意。   雕塑上的铭文,精辟雅致,短短百来字,复旦诗社的历史、渊源,复旦诗派的形成和诗友们对母校的情怀与期许,已尽现其内。铭文曰:旦复旦,日月光,复旦诗社成立于一九八一年五月二十七日,有诗刊《诗耕地》,《语声》,诗集《海星星》、《太阳河》,源接上世纪四十年代《诗垦地》,形成复旦诗派。百年校庆,诗友重聚,感恩母校,给我们博学,感恩诗神,让我们笃志,特赠铜雕“复旦诗魂”,愿母校诗魂永在。   小白宫   在相辉堂左前方的绿树掩映之下有一栋被称为“小白宫”的系楼,它,就是著名的数学楼。这座罗马建筑风格的楼宇总共有四层,门前有四根石柱撑起二楼的圆形阳台,显得雍容不凡。这里也是数学英才的摇篮,苏步青、谷超豪、李大潜……这些名字都与这座典雅的建筑紧紧相连,使得她的气质由内而外地散发。尽管如今的复旦园里已是高楼林立,数学楼的异国魅力仍吸引着一代又一代复旦人,是大家心目中最美丽的建筑。   燕园、曦园   两园自然成形,与周围建筑相映成趣,是极具江南特色的景观。燕园的名字源于刘禹锡的一句诗:“旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家。”园内,在一片草坪四周围满四季植物,还有假山、凉亭、小型人工瀑布、木制小桥错落其间。夏天,燕园池塘内的荷花从粉色渐变至淡桔色。复旦江湾校区奠基石、世纪石、世纪钟在树木的遮掩下享受安静。曦园的“曦”字预示朝阳。曦园内的小土丘上总有人坐着或躺着,像是在等待樱花的开放。而一到四月,便满坡满坡地铺着粉红花瓣。拾阶而上,苏步青的题壁催人奋进。只有在这里才能体会移步换景的美妙。不过,燕、曦园内最浓郁的还是读书的气氛。