
写旅游景点的作文题目是什么? 太空旅游利弊的英语作文

2023-03-17 14:16:33 互联网 未知 旅游


写旅游景点的作文题目是什么? 太空旅游利弊的英语作文

many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bored.i,too,have favorite places that i go to as often as i can. here are the three places that i like most.first of all,i like the zoo.the animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly!i like to pet them,feed them and watch them perform.museums are cool places,too.they have good exhibits and fascinating displays.i like the works of art there.some museumsteach me a lot about history and science.from dinosaus to robots,i love it all.finally,theme parks are a blast.i love to go on the wild rides.i think the roller coasters are the best.its fun to scream and get scared. these places always cheer me up.i tyr to go to each of my favorite places once a year.i am going to find more favorite places to go to when i grow up.


写旅游景点的作文题目是什么? 太空旅游利弊的英语作文

关于太空旅游的英语作文 一篇英语短文,内容,太空旅游的利:1提供人类居住的新场所,2给人类提供新能源,3帮助人们更好的了解宇宙,4太空研究对其他领域有好处 镗孔旅游的弊:1花费太大,2人类住在其他行星上的想法不切实际,3太空旅游有危险

关于旅游的作文 开头 结尾

开头 :五月,春在远去,默默地,带着一季的烂漫,唱着忧伤的歌……  
  结尾 :自然、人生,莫不如此。尘世间的春花秋月,千红万紫,轰轰烈烈的到来,洋洋洒洒的褪去,只觉得都是瞬间烟云,过往凌波,也或是匆匆过客……



My Home Town
My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.
In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.
I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.

高中英语作文 假期在家还是旅游

I flipped through the newspaper and sighed. It was the first day of the National Holiday and the neighborhood was already packed with people. Amusement parks, shopping malls, theaters, and libraries, even, were all crowded. There was no point in going out and hanging around since it would be impossible to have fun.
So its safe to say I will choose to stay at home during holiday times. Good grades could only be achieved through hard work, and I would rather spend some good hours with my books than be one of fools that go out at this time.