关于丽江古城美景的作文 写丽江的四季景色或一天的景色变化的作文
五绝·寻丽江古城 文 / 天净 翠色山峦下, 商居掩古城。 花溪迎曲巷, 岁月久悠增。 滇西游记(1)·丽 江 古 城 边陲古城气势雄, 遍布名胜醉春风。 遥望玉龙琼山峻, 俯视墨潭泉液通。 万朵茶花一半山, 千翠绿树十三峰。 佛洞烟霞锁翠微, 金沙虎跳腾碧空。 注:丽江:位于云南省西北部金沙江中游南岸,距省会昆明597公里。玉龙;即云南省丽江北端的玉龙雪山。全山十三峰,东西宽约十三公里,南北长约三十五公里,峰峰终年披云载雪,气势磅礴。墨潭:指丽江城北黑龙潭。金沙虎跳:金沙,指金沙江。虎跳,指虎跳峡。位于云南省丽江玉龙雪山与中甸哈巴雪山之间。 丽江古城 类型:诗歌 作者:蓝叶 2003-7-22 发表于 红袖添香 一黛雪山 是乾坤的月 一盏街灯 是心头的星 水中的倒影 是历史的琴弦 波动着 倾诉千年的沉静 酒吧和 店铺 是石板路边 横竖的造型 一样的古朴 也一样风韵撩人 还有看不懂的文字 跳跃着现代的激情 是炊烟吗 还是落日的轻云 黄昏时刻 是古城的绽放和归隐 喝进的似是 琴间的高山流水 品味的似是 百年的留香余音 醉了 也迷失 醉在这 远离城市的街景 迷失于 不愿走出的八卦城 什么是可抓住的 一汪树下的灯影 还有那一曲竹笛姑苏行 不是江南 胜似江南的小径 明明是阳春白雪 百鸟啼鸣 可落于此处后 却成为纳西古乐 幽夜的娉婷
这个暑假,我和妈妈来到了美丽的云南丽江。一开始,我以为丽江和我们长沙一样有着高楼大厦,没想到的是,那里的房子古色古香,就连我们住的旅馆也是用木头做的。更不同的是那边的气候,在长沙非常的炎热,而丽江却是四季如春。所以,我已经穿外衣了。 丽江的风景真美,有着一望无际的草原,从远处看,绿色的海洋里有着大片大片紫色的波浪,走近一看,哦,原来是一簇簇美丽娇艳的薰衣草花呀!它们密密麻麻地挤在一起,就像是在为绿色的草原绣上去的花边,让人看起来目迷五色。抬头可以望到对面的山,层峦叠翠,山顶上还笼罩着白白的云雾,隐隐约约如同仙境一般。而成林的云杉树在山下漫山遍野,非常壮观。 导游告诉我们,云杉树是非常稀有的高原树种,只能生长在海拔三千多米高的地方。时不时地,我会看到几只可爱的松鼠在树丛中跳来跳去。 青青的草原上到处是成群的牛呀,羊呀,马呀。。。。。。这是一幅多么迷人的画面呀!
法语 作文 我喜欢的一次旅游 100字左右
I like to travel, its really fun. You can go to any places you want, beautiful landscape, clearly blue sky, different cultures and lots more you can met if you go travel. Landscape shape most peoples desiry, what I mean is, there are lots of places that theyre famous because of the pretty landscape. Cultures are another. You can met different groups of people if you go travel, its really cool. I like it not only because of these several different reason, I also likes to hang out with my friends to go together and play around those beautiful places. My dream is to travel around the whole world, which, well, might not be true, because I have so many other things to do in my life, but Ill try to achieve it. I have read a story about a person named Gorden, who actually went almost all of the places in the world. I kind of like that and admire of him. I like travel, seriously I do. Another reason is that I like adventures. Adventures are cool, it gives you more experiences and, as I mentioned that Gorden, he met lots of difficulties when he went travel. He went to Amazon, which therere so many snakes and aligators. A friend of his actually died in that trip!!! Its sometimes a bad thing for travel, too. Anyway, I just like to travel!! I like to met all those sorts of difficulties (I didnt mean to die!). Mountain biking is also a kind of travel, and that, I dreamed of doing it!!! Mountain biking is so cool!! One sentence at last, I love travelling and trips!