
英语作文:随着人们生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的人喜欢在假期里外出旅游,旅游的方式也变得越来越多... 旅游的好处与坏处

2023-04-05 22:17:05 互联网 未知 旅游


Of course, air travel is quite comfotable and can save much time for sightseeing, but it costs more, around 1700 yuan, from Guangzhou to Beijing for example. Train travel costs less, around 450 yuan only, people can take their enough time in the train to enjoy the views along, but from Guangzhou to Beijing the trains will run about if 22 hours. And therere more and more people, they like to travel in their own cars, they could stay anywhere they like as long as possilbe and they can also sleep in their cars, thats quite interesting way of travelling.


1. 走向自然,陶冶情操。人长期固定在家和工作单位里,这样不但生活单调无味,长此下去还会闷出病来。有了“黄金周”,人们有机会去“放飞”一下,走向自然,与大自然亲密接触,外面的世界多精彩呀!
2. 欣赏风光,增长见识。旅游是个综合性的活动,它具有很大的学问。简单地说,旅游包含着天时、地利、自然、考古、建筑、园林、动植物学、方言、风土人情、饮食文化、地方土特产等。
3. 旅游健身,增强体质。旅游,顾名思义,就是旅行游览的意思。说明旅游中包含着运动。旅游中运动最多的莫过于行路和登山,因此可以说,旅游不知不觉给人带来了一次锻炼身体的机会。
4. 旅游往往要跋山涉水的 ,过程虽很累 ,但它带给人的更多是精神上的和肉体上的愉悦 ,比如赏风景 ,尝美食 ,住民宿等等,如果要住民宿,可以通过微 信小程序<旅小筑>来预订,很不错哦。


In addition, it is exciting to do anything that you want on the plane during the flight. You can choose to watch movies, play TV games or listen to music on the plane for free, or you can use your laptop and not be afraid of having no power, because the electric power is also supplied for free. However, you need take radio or game boy machine to have fun by yourself when you travel by train.

